Technical realisation of the database: Mag. Michael Hagleitner, Vienna 2011
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Attention: This database has not been updated since spring 2021. Please refer to the Senfl Catalogue:
S. Gasch and S. Tröster in collaboration with B. Lodes, Ludwig Senfl – A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works and Sources, Epitome musical (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019)
- vol. 1: Catalogue of the Works (
- vol. 2: Catalogue of the Sources (
Guidelines for the use of the Senfl Catalogue Online
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The database represents an excerpt from the detailed publication Ludwig Senfl – A Catalogue of the Works and Sources. Through this online medium, basic information from the project's findings are communicated. After the publication of the printed catalogue (planned for 2018), the Senfl Catalogue Online will mainly serve as a medium to announce updates of individual entries and new source findings.
As the completed catalogue of works will be published in English, the content of the database is also in that language. Please consider this fact in your queries.
If you have any questions regarding compositions not yet entered into the database please do not hesitate to contact us. Any remarks, corrections, and suggestions are also most welcome and we will gladly receive your message.
List of abbreviated Liturgica
AA = Antiphonarium Augustense, Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1495 = GW 2062, used copy: D-Mbs 2 Inc.c.a.3159
AM = Antiphonale Monasticum pro diurnis horis, Paris etc., 1934
AP = Antiphonarium [Pataviense], Vienna: Johannes Winterburger, 1519 = VD16 A 2946, used copy: D-Mbs 2 Liturg. 11 e
AR = Antiphonale sacrosanctae romanae ecclesiae pro diurnis horis, Paris etc., 1949
GP = Graduale Pataviense, Vienna: Johannes Winterburger, 1511 = VD16 G 2728, used copy: D-Mbs 2 Liturg. 451 p
GR = Graduale sacrosanctae romanae ecclesiae de tempore et de sanctis, Paris etc., 1957
LU = Liber Usualis Missae et Officii pro dominicis et festis cum cantu gregoriano ex editione vaticana adamussim excerpto, Paris etc., 1964
Montanus & Neuber [1548] = [Responsoria quae annuatim in veteri ecclesia de tempore, festis et sanctis, cantari solent] Liber canticorum quae vulgo responsoria vocantur, secundum anni ordinem, Dominicis & Festis diebus hactenus servatum vaeneunt, Nuremberg: Montanus & Neuber, [ca. 1548] = VD16 R 1198, used copy: D-Mbs Liturg. 704
Neuber 1562 = Responsoria quae annuatim in veteri ecclesia te tempore, festis et sanctis cantari solent. Additis etiam quibusdam aliis communibus canticis, ut in indice omnia cernere licet, Nuremberg: Valentin Neuber, 1562 = VD16 R 1201, used copy: D-Mbs Liturg. 1173
Stuchs 1509 = Responsoria noviter cum notis impressa de tempore et sanctis per totum annum regentibus & scolaribus utilissima, Nuremberg: Johann Stuchs, 1509 = VD16 R 1197, used copy: D-Mu W 4 Liturg. 316